Meet Our Support Staff

Sharon Alley - Teacher Assistant Coordinator

Megan Beeke - Intervention Specialist

Cecily Brisker - Aftercare

Diane Bryant - Food Service Assistant

Tracy Byrne - Title I (CMSD)

Charles Cassell - Maintenance

Charles Cassell - Maintenance

Maureen Cestaro - Food Service Assistant

Stephanie Chounet - Data & Testing Coordinator

Jasmin Dobbs - Food Service Assistant

Letitia Donat - Director of Before/After School Programming

Maureen Dunn - Food Service Director

Erin Gilbride - Family Partnership Coordinator

Emanuel Griffin - Aftercare

Taylor Griffin - Food Service Assistant

Michele Grooms-Massa - Ursuline Mission & Religious Education Coordinator

Michele Grooms-Massa - Ursuline Mission & Religious Education Coordinator

Crystal Grubb - Food Service Assistant

Austin Harris - Enrollment Coordinator

Bonnie Hoynacke - Speech Pathologist

Nereida Juarez - School Office Secretary

Lisa Kane - Financial Aid & Tuition Coordinator

Kirsten Karakul - Building Substitute Teacher

Jim Kenny - Wolfpack Program Coordinator

Kelly Lentz - Operations Manager

Debbie Libran - Administrative Assistant to the Principal

Debbie Libran - Gallagher Center Secretary

John Martinitis - Facilities Manager & Bus Driver

Mary McBride - Tutor

Clare McDonnell - Intervention Specialist

Domenic Misiti - CYO Coordinator

Cristina Muñoz - School Office Secretary

Florence Muñoz - Substitute Teacher

Lester Nader - Title I (CMSD)

Lester Nader - Title I (CMSD)

Christie Ollerton BSN, RN - School Nurse (MetroHealth)

Christie Ollerton BSN, RN - School Nurse (MetroHealth)

Matthew Olmstead - High School Placement & Alumni Relations Coordinator

Natalie Rini - Middle School Intervention Specialist

Catharine Roof, M.Ed. - Intervention Specialist

Dennis Ruddy - Bus Driver/Maintenance

Leland Rutledge - Substitute Teacher

Kelly Spear - Title I

Sister Rose Elizabeth Terrell, OSU - Volunteer Coordinator

Mattea Vedova - Substitute Teacher

Glorine Vlach - Food Service Assistant

Jessica Woon - School Resource Officer